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What is your difficulty to learn English?
I have no time.
I work all day.
I don't have money to pay
I am shy to speak.
I know only the basic.
I don't know.
I don't like to study.
I am not interested.
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Rules of Channels
Rules of Channels

Regras básica dos Canais Parceiros:

  • É proibido usar palavras de baixo calão (palavrões) no Canal;
  • Iniciar temas polêmicos sobre religião, cultura, temas que venham causar discussões agressivas;
  • Fotos sensuais, sem roupas, sem camisas;
  • Convites para outros canais (que não sejam de parceiros da comunidade) ou flertes;

Deve-se respeitar todos os estudantes e professores do canal;

Deve se saber o tempo de falar e de ouvir;

Respeitar o colega do canal, não ficando demasiadamente com o PTT apertado.


Channel rules: (Partners)

  • -You may not use profanity ( swearing ) on Channel ;
  • - Start controversial issues on religion, culture , themes that may cause aggressive discussions ;
  • - Photos sexy , naked , without shirts ;
  • - Invitations to other channels (not partners of our community) or flirtations ;
  • - Must respect all students and teachers of the channel ;
  • - You should know the time to talk and listen ;
  • - Respect fellow of the channel, not getting too tight PTT .



Rules to be followed by members in our WhatsApp Group

  • -You may not use profanity ( swearing ) on group ;
  • - Start controversial issues on religion, culture , themes that may cause aggressive discussions ;
  • - Photos sexy , naked , without shirts ;
  • - Invitations to private message or flirtations (Only if allowed by the member);
  • - Must respect all students and teachers of the group ;
  • - Respect all Administrators and report them every breaking rules by members ;
  • - Respect fellow of the group.
  • - No prejudice, no racism, etc.